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About config variable

The config variable exists to handle end-user configuration for custom materializationsThe exact Data Definition Language (DDL) that dbt will use when creating the model’s equivalent in a data warehouse.. Configs like unique_key can be implemented using the config variable in your own materializations.

For example, code in the incremental materialization like this:

{% materialization incremental, default -%}
{%- set unique_key = config.get('unique_key') -%}

is responsible for handling model code that looks like this:


Review Model configurations for examples and more information on valid arguments.



  • name: The name of the configuration variable (required)
  • default: The default value to use if this configuration is not provided (optional)

The config.get function is used to get configurations for a model from the end-user. Configs defined in this way are optional, and a default value can be provided.

Example usage:

{% materialization incremental, default -%}
-- Example w/ no default. unique_key will be None if the user does not provide this configuration
{%- set unique_key = config.get('unique_key') -%}

-- Example w/ default value. Default to 'id' if 'unique_key' not provided
{%- set unique_key = config.get('unique_key', default='id') -%}



  • name: The name of the configuration variable (required)

The config.require function is used to get configurations for a model from the end-user. Configs defined using this function are required, and failure to provide them will result in a compilation error.

Example usage:

{% materialization incremental, default -%}
{%- set unique_key = config.require('unique_key') -%}